Whilst our suitcases have been gathering dust on the top of our wardrobes, we’ve been using our time to revamp our website and to give our logo some well overdue wheels.
This season we’ve missed witnessing the delights of our groups performing to regular and not-so-regular audiences worldwide, but it has been strangely comforting (and a bit nostalgic) wading through photographs from past tours and inspection visits in order to decide which ones to include on the site. We know planning a tour won’t be anyone’s priority right now, but hopefully this site will feed your desire to travel with your ensemble and to share your music with audiences beyond your immediate vicinity.
We’ve also been trying to modernise our approach to social media, realising that in these times when we rarely have the opportunity to see or hear each other in the flesh, on-line interaction has taken on a whole new relevance. In addition to our existing Facebook and intermittent Twitter accounts, we’ve finally come to the world of Instagram and hope that you will follow us on this, if nothing else. We’ll aim to use Instagram as our medium to keep us all inspired and positive about future tours. Click below to follow us!
And click on the logo at the top of this page to begin exploring.